Waves of ice cold shock swept over Theo.Mrs. Dietrich, the woman who fed him chocolate cookies every time she pulled a sliver from his finger, the woman who’d tended him through every sickness and illness he’d had, the woman he loved as much as his own mother: a war spy and traitor. Impossible! “ You think your mom is a spy?” He said the words slowly, not quite believing they came from his mouth. “For Germany? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. . Jess Schira
Some Similar Quotes
  1. ...Despite the mayhem that followed, Bruno found that he was still holding Shmuel's hand in his own and nothing in the world would have persuaded him to let go. - John Boyne

  2. People spoke in whispers, as if the war was listening - Chris Cleave

  3. He sweeps her hair back from her ears; he swings her above his head. He says she is his émerveillement. He says he will never leave her, not in a million years. - Anthony Doerr

  4. Because they are ignorant and their parents are ignorant. Because they don’t know any better.” Pastel Orphans - Gemma Liviero

  5. Ari: The serial number was now my new name. I was dehumanized. I was branded like an animal, but was treated worse. This is what racism can do to people. - Christopher Huh

More Quotes By Jess Schira
  1. Waves of ice cold shock swept over Theo.Mrs. Dietrich, the woman who fed him chocolate cookies every time she pulled a sliver from his finger, the woman who’d tended him through every sickness and illness he’d had, the woman he loved as much as his...

  2. You’re wrong.”“ I am?”“ I thought things through this time around. I even managed to restrain myself.” Theo stared at her, incredulous. “You did.”“ I thought about kicking him in the balls, but I didn’t. I figured that would be over kill.” - Rendezvous with...

  3. You are pretty, aren’t you?” Rosika frowned. “You don’t have to sound so surprised.

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